Most Viewed in November 2021

This site had 32,764 visits in November 2021 from 24,374 unique visitors. That’s 1,092 visits per day. Collectively, they downloaded 129,948 pages.

The significant jump in visits (and visitors) all comes from a few days of intense interest in a page I wrote more than 20 years ago! I remember well my excitement from the time. It was the first I knew of buffer overflows as anything other than defective coding that even bad programmers soon learn to avoid. It’s not the first buffer overflow that was ever exploited for mischief, nor the first whose exploitation was written up, but few write-ups then were anything like as detailed. I’m a little disappointed that not even 1% of the new readers proceeded to the several pages of details, but of course the introduction has everything that matters after so long—except perhaps that It doesn’t tell of what should be the industry-wide embarrassment that lying publicists from both Microsoft and America Online (AOL) went on to successful careers.

A few hundred readers of a different but similarly old page, recently reworked to introduce new writing on the old subject, actually did explore the new writing. I really must collect my thoughts and finish these pages!

Also in need of finishing is a page that makes its first appearance in these lists. I have struggled with this one for a long, long time, most recently abandoning a substantial reworking in mid-2020, before accommodating myself in April 2021 to the realisation that nothing like it exists on the Internet and never will unless I publish my rough work. As welcome as it is that the page makes the cut after six months or so, there’s sadness too since its topic surely ought not to be so neglected by the industry.

The list below is of document pages that were each viewed at least 100 times in the month. Ranks in parentheses are from October 2021. Faded titles are just index pages which I presume are viewed only or mainly on the way to others, especially while moving from one Table of Contents (TOC) to another. One of those index pages is just the skimpiest of placeholders, pending my writing an introduction, which I likely never will get round to. The TOCs are omitted entirely, as is the banner page, since none of these are meant to be seen independently of a document page.

Rank Page Visits
1   AOL Exploits Bug in Own Software (AIM) 12,983
2 (1) Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst 5,302
3 (3) Kernel-Mode Windows 1,629
4 (2) Kernel32 Functions 1,091
5 (8) Win32 Programming 733
6 (5) NTDLL Exports 705
7 (4) PEB 665
8 (6) The Windows Explorer Command Line 628
9 (7) Licensed Memory in 32-Bit Windows Vista 584
10 (21) Shell 555
11 (9) ZwQuerySystemInformation 536
12 (10) The Kernel-Power Event Provider 455
13   The AARD Code 441
14 (19) Notes 380
15 (26) Microsoft Visual C++ 373
17   The AARD Code and DR DOS 339
19 (22) TEB 329
21 (24) Kernel Versions 328
22 (15) EPROCESS 297
24 (16) NTDLL 288
25 (20) Native API Functions 283
26 (13) Back Doors for Cross-Signed Drivers 282
27 (32) About This Site 281
28 (31) Internet Explorer 278
29 (27) Windows Kernel Exports 257
30 (30) What’s New? 244
31 (22) BCD Elements 233
32 (25) ADVAPI32 Functions 231
34 (17) Edit Boot Options in Windows Vista 216
36 (40) The API Set Schema 187
36 (28) Boot Configuration Data (BCD) 187
38 (34) SHELL32 Functions 179
39 (29) PEB_LDR_DATA 176
40 (39) Consultation 172
41 (33) Boot Options: nx 167
43 (50) HAL Versions 165
44 (40) Feedback 156
45 (59) KERNELBASE Functions 155
46 (42) BCD Objects 140
47 (36) KERNEL32 Versions 135
48   SYSENTER and SYSEXIT in Windows 132
49 (46) Netwtw06 Driver Spams System Event Log 130
49 (60) Software Analysis by Reverse Engineering 130
51 (37) InfoMask in the Object Header 127
51 (62) The Boot Status Data Log 127
51 (37) Disable Global Hot Keys 127
54 (56) RtlGetNtVersionNumbers 124
56 (48) KPCR 123
56 (53) NTDLL Versions 123
56 (66) The Microsoft Visual C++ Linker 123
59 (54) SVCHOST 122
59 (45) Advanced Boot Options Menu in Windows Vista 122
59 (42) RtlInitUnicodeString 122
59 (66) Boot Options: detecthal 122
59   Browsing Guide 122
64   Bug Check Codes 118
64   Predefined C++ Types 118
66   KTHREAD 117
67 (57) Boot Options: numproc 116
68   Terms of Use 114
69   ZwSetSystemInformation 110
69   ADVAPI32 110
69 (51) The CPUID Instruction 110
72   ETHREAD 106
72 (68) Shim Database (SDB) Files 106
74 (65) KPROCESS 105
74 (61) The First Run Page in Internet Explorer 105
76 (49) The Service Control Manager Event Provider 104
77 (57) Licensed Driver Signing in Windows 10 103