IERTUTIL Functions

The table on this page is this study’s master list of functions that appear in the export directory of any known 32-bit build of IERTUTIL. It gives for each function just brief summaries of the applicable IERTUTIL versions and of the function’s status with respect to Microsoft’s documentation (not that there’s much to say on this point, given that Microsoft documents no more than a handful). Additional explanatory notes follow the table.

Function Applicable Versions Documentation Status
CIESubscriptionManager_CreateInstance (531) 8.0 and higher  
ClearNegativeKeyCache (687) 8.0 and higher  
CoCreateUserBroker (58) 8.0 and higher  
CoCreateUserBrokerForThread (96) 8.0 and higher  
CreateProtectedModeRegistry (33) 7.0 and higher  
CSerializableContainer_CreateInstance (338) 8.0 and higher  
DeinitCustomerFeedback (11) 7.0 only  
DeleteExtKey (662) 8.0 and higher  
DeleteExtValue (657) 8.0 and higher  
DeleteKey (685) 8.0 and higher  
DeleteValue (656) 8.0 and higher  
DllCanUnloadNow 8.0 and higher (documented)
DllGetClassObject 8.0 and higher (documented)
DoWPCLogging (100) 7.0 and higher  
DPA_Clone (73) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_Create (74) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_CreateEx (75) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_DeleteAllPtrs (77) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_DeletePtr (76) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_Destroy (78) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_DestroyCallback (79) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_EnumCallback (80) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_GetPtr (81) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_GetPtrIndex (82) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_GetSize (83) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_Grow (84) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_InsertPtr (85) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_LoadStream (86) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_Merge (87) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_SaveStream (88) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_Search (89) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_SetPtr (90) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DPA_Sort (91) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_Clone (60) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_Create (61) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_DeleteAllItems (62) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_DeleteItem (63) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_Destroy (64) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_DestroyCallback (65) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_EnumCallback (66) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_GetItem (67) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_GetItemPtr (68) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_GetSize (69) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_InsertItem (70) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_SetItem (71) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
DSA_Sort (72) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
EDL_AddNewDomain (201) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_AllowNoDomains (206) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_DeleteAllAllowedDomainsLists (208) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_DeleteAllowedDomainsList (207) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_DeleteAllPrivateBrowsingDomains (211) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_DoesAllowedDomainsListExists (203) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_GetAllowedDomains (202) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_GetDomainFromUri (209) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_InitializeAllowedDomainsList (200) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_IsAllowedDomainListEnabled (210) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_IsAllowedDomainsListEmpty (204) 8.0 and higher  
EDL_IsDomainAllowed (205) 8.0 and higher  
EnumExtKey (663) 8.0 and higher  
EnumExtValue (667) 8.0 and higher  
EnumInHiveExtKey (669) 8.0 and higher  
EnumInHiveExtValue (668) 8.0 and higher  
EnumInHiveKey (682) 8.0 and higher  
EnumInHiveValue (683) 8.0 and higher  
EnumKey (679) 8.0 and higher  
EnumValue (681) 8.0 and higher  
ExistsExtKey (664) 8.0 and higher  
ExistsInHiveExtKey (665) 8.0 and higher  
ExistsInHiveExtValue (661) 8.0 and higher  
ExistsInHiveKey (684) 8.0 and higher  
ExistsInHiveValue (660) 8.0 and higher  
ExistsKey (680) 8.0 and higher  
GetCurrentUserSid (57) 8.0 and higher  
GetExtValue (651) 8.0 and higher  
GetIEInstalledTime (674) 8.0 and higher  
GetInHiveExtValue (653) 8.0 and higher  
GetInHiveValue (652) 8.0 and higher  
GetLowIntegrityToken (55) 7.0 and higher  
GetProcessIntegrityLevel (35) 7.0 and higher  
GetProcessSid (48) 7.0 and higher  
GetTimestampExtValue (671) 8.0 and higher  
GetTimestampValue (670) 8.0 and higher  
GetUserSid (49) 7.0 and higher  
GetValue (650) 8.0 and higher  
HTMLEncodeString (26) 7.0 and higher  
IAS_ApplicationUniqueInternetExplorerCLSID (306) 8.0 and higher  
IAS_Close (302) 8.0 and higher  
IAS_Create (300) 8.0 and higher  
IAS_ExternalTabProcessesOn (305) 8.0 and higher  
IAS_ImmutableApplicationStateId (307) 8.0 and higher  
IAS_InPrivateDisableToolbars (313) 8.0 and higher  
IAS_IsPrivateShimsRequested (310) 8.0 and higher  
IAS_Open (301) 8.0 and higher  
IASAware_HangResistantFrameOn (304) 8.0 and higher  
IASAware_HangResistantFrameOn (303) 8.0 and higher  
IASAware_PrivateBrowsingOn (308) 8.0 and higher  
IASAware_PrivateBrowsingOn (309) 8.0 and higher  
IECheckIntegrityFile (36) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogAjaxNavigation (606) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogCodepageDisabled (605) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogDirectXFilterPrefix (604) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogEvent (16) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogEventMessage (601) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogFileDownload (24) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogFileUploadNoPath (603) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLoggingEnabledInternal (17) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogLMZL1 (18) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogLMZL2 (19) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogStandardsMode (602) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogURICreationFailure (25) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogXSSFilterPageSanitation (600) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogZoneElevation1 (20) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogZoneElevation2 (21) 7.0 and higher  
IEDisableScriptDebugging (176) 8.0 and higher  
IEEnableScriptDebugging (175) 8.0 and higher  
IEGetFrameUtilExports 8.0 and higher  
IEGetProcessModule 8.0 and higher  
IEGetSignatureInfo (28) 7.0 and higher  
IEGetTabWindowExports 8.0 and higher  
IEGlobalCounterDecrement (112) 7.0 and higher  
IEGlobalCounterGetValue (110) 7.0 and higher  
IEGlobalCounterIncrement (111) 7.0 and higher  
IEIsLowIntegrityFile (45) 7.0 and higher  
IEIsScriptDebuggingEnabled (174) 8.0 and higher  
IERegDeleteValue (168) 8.0 and higher  
IERegEnumKeys (170) 8.0 and higher  
IERegEnumValues (171) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetBool (166) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetBoolEx (167) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetBufferSizeSz (158) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetBufferSizeTz (154) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetBufferSizeWz (162) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetDw (151) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetDwEx (152) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetSz (159) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetSzEx (160) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetTz (155) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetTzEx (156) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetWz (163) 8.0 and higher  
IERegGetWzEx (164) 8.0 and higher  
IERegResolve (150) 8.0 and higher  
IERegSetDw (153) 8.0 and higher  
IERegSetSz (161) 8.0 and higher  
IERegSetTz (157) 8.0 and higher  
IERegSetWz (165) 8.0 and higher  
IERT_DelayLoadFailureHook 7.0 and higher  
IERunsAsDifferentUser (46) 7.0 and higher  
IERunsOnDefaultDesktop (47) 7.0 and higher  
IESetFrameUtilExports (314) 8.0 and higher  
IESetProcessModule (311) 8.0 and higher  
IESetTabWindowExports (312) 8.0 and higher  
IESqmGetSession (120) 7.0 and higher  
IEStubIsLuaEnabled (30) 7.0 and higher  
ImpersonateUser 8.0 and higher  
InitCustomerFeedback (10) 7.0 only  
IsBrowserProcess (56) 7.0 and higher  
IsControlOnNGBList (27) 7.0 and higher  
IsElevatedProcess (44) 7.0 and higher  
IsMICLowProcess (54) 7.0 and higher  
IsoAddCreationDefinition (470) 8.0 and higher  
IsoAllocArtifact (400) 8.0 and higher  
IsoAllocArtifactAtHandleLevel (416) 8.0 and higher  
IsoAllocArtifactAtTrustLevel (415) 8.0 and higher  
IsoAllocMessageBuffer (453) 8.0 and higher  
IsoAllocMessageBufferPerFlags (454) 8.0 and higher  
IsoAllocSharedMemory (440) 8.0 and higher  
IsoAllocSharedMemoryPerFlags (441) 8.0 and higher  
IsoAllocSharedMemoryToOwner (442) 8.0 and higher  
IsoCanWriteToHandle (412) 8.0 and higher  
IsoChangeArtifactOwner (417) 8.0 and higher  
IsoCreateComponent (501) 8.0 and higher  
IsoCreateComponentByCreDat (500) 8.0 and higher  
IsoCreateHashTable (541) 8.0 and higher  
IsoCreateProcess (421) 8.0 and higher  
IsoCreateScopeArtifactEvent (514) 8.0 and higher  
IsoCreateThread (432) 8.0 and higher  
IsoCreateThreadAndComponentFromProcessCreationData (534) 8.0 and higher  
IsoDebugExecuteEventA (552) 8.0 and higher  
IsoDispatchMessageToArtifacts (451) 8.0 and higher  
IsoDuplicateHandle (472) 8.0 and higher  
IsoFreeMessageBuffer (457) 8.0 and higher  
IsoFreeProcessHandle (474) 8.0 and higher  
IsoFreeSharedMemory (445) 8.0 and higher  
IsoFreeThreadHandle (477) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetArtifactAddress (401) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetAuthority (516) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetAuthorityManager (518) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetComponentData (508) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetCreationDefinition (471) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetCurrentProcess (517) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetCurrentProcessHandle (425) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetCurrentProcessManager (519) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetCurrentThreadHandle (430) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetDefaultScope (526) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetManagerFromProcess (423) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetMessageBufferAddress (455) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetNewCorrelationNumber (533) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetNextArtifact (406) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetProcessAndManagerFromPid (424) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetProcessData (422) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetProcessHandle (475) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetProcessManager (520) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetSetDefaultScopeRefCount (529) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetSharedMemoryAddress (443) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetThreadComponentData (510) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetThreadData (433) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetThreadDataFromTid (434) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetThreadHandle (478) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetTrustSplitComponent (511) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetTypedArtifactAddress (402) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetWindowComponentData (509) 8.0 and higher  
IsoGetWindowsMessageNumber (450) 8.0 and higher  
IsoInitDefaultScope (530) 8.0 and higher  
IsoInitializeThread (437) 8.0 and higher  
IsoIsArtifactDefinitionTrusted (414) 8.0 and higher  
IsoIsArtifactInstanceTrusted (413) 8.0 and higher  
IsoIsSharedScopeActive (535) 8.0 and higher  
IsoLockArtifact (403) 8.0 and higher  
IsoLockMessageBuffer (456) 8.0 and higher  
IsoLockSharedMemory (444) 8.0 and higher  
IsoMakeComponentTrustSplit (512) 8.0 and higher  
IsoMakeIsoSpaceObject (540) 8.0 and higher  
IsoManagerThreadNonzero_WindowsPump (536) 8.0 and higher  
IsoManagerThreadZero_WindowsPump (537) 8.0 and higher  
IsoMarkComponentCreationFinished (507) 8.0 and higher  
IsoParseProcessCommandLine (480) 8.0 and higher  
IsoPostMessage (458) 8.0 and higher  
IsoPostMessageUsingDataInBuffer (459) 8.0 and higher  
IsoPostMessageWithoutBuffer (460) 8.0 and higher  
IsoProcessActivityMessage (570) 8.0 and higher  
IsoProcessManagerMessages (538) 8.0 and higher  
IsoReferenceDefaultScope (527) 8.0 and higher  
IsoReferenceThread (435) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRegisterActivityComponent (502) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRegisterManagerComponent (506) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRegisterProcess (420) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRegisterThread (431) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRegisterThreadComponent (505) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRegisterWindowComponent (504) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRegisterWinProcComponent (503) 8.0 and higher  
IsoReleaseDefaultScope (528) 8.0 and higher  
IsoReleaseThread (436) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRemoveArtifact (405) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRemoveArtifactsForOwner (410) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRemoveArtifactsForProcess (411) 8.0 and higher  
IsoRetrieveAvailableMessages (452) 8.0 and higher  
IsoSaveProcessHandle (473) 8.0 and higher  
IsoSaveThreadHandle (476) 8.0 and higher  
IsoSetDefaultScope (525) 8.0 and higher  
IsoSetManagerExitBehavior (515) 8.0 and higher  
IsoSubscriptionManager (539) 8.0 and higher  
IsoThreadWindowsPump (482) 8.0 and higher  
IsoThreadWindowsPumpInit (481) 8.0 and higher  
IsoUninitializeThread (438) 8.0 and higher  
IsoUnlockArtifact (404) 8.0 and higher  
IsPolicyEnabledExtKey (666) 8.0 and higher  
IsPolicyEnabledExtValue (659) 8.0 and higher  
IsPolicyEnabledKey (686) 8.0 and higher  
IsPolicyEnabledValue (658) 8.0 and higher  
IsPolicyKeyPresentA (173) 8.0 and higher  
IsPolicyKeyPresentW (172) 8.0 and higher  
IsProtectedModeCOMCaller (34) 7.0 and higher  
IsProtectedModeEnabled (42) 7.0 and higher  
IsProtectedModeEnabledForIE (43) 7.0 and higher  
IsProtectedModeProcess (32) 7.0 and higher  
IsValidDSInstance (551) 8.0 and higher  
LaunchIEInProtectedMode (31) 7.0 and higher  
LCIE_FindFrameOrTabComponent (346) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEChangeComponentSharedFlagBit (390) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEChangeComponentSharedFlagBit_FromComponentThread (392) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEConfiguration (321) 8.0 and higher  
LCIECreateAndInitThreadRef (335) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEForceSecurityProxiesFromFlags (378) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEForceSecurityProxiesFromHandle (377) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEForceSecurityProxiesFromTabThreadID (376) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEGetComponentAndManagerComponent (332) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEGetComponentParent (330) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEGetConfiguration (320) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEGetManagerHandleFromComponentHandle (329) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEGetManagerHandleFromProcessId (328) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEGetTypedComponentFromThread (347) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEGetTypedSharedMemoryContents (333) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEInSameProcess (326) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEIsComponentSharedFlagValueSet (391) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEIsComponentSharedFlagValueSet_FromComponentThread (393) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEIsInSameProcess (327) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEIsMultipleProcessEnabled (322) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEIStream_MapContent (351) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEIStream_MapEmptyBuffer (350) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEIStream_SizeOnly (352) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEMakeSecurityProxyMaster (375) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEMarshalInterfaceGetIStream (359) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEMarshalInterfaceIntoBufferEx (353) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEMarshalInterfaceIntoBufferForHandle (356) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEMarshalInterfaceIntoBufferOtherProcess (354) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEMarshalInterfaceIntoBufferSameProcess (355) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEMarshalInterfaceIntoStreamForHandle (357) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEPackSizeOfVariant (371) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEPostDispatchEvent (372) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEPostMessageWithDISPPARAMS (364) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEReadCookieFromBlob (388) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESendCookieData (386) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESerializable_PackBSTR (342) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESerializable_PackWStr (340) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESerializable_UnpackBSTR (343) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESerializable_UnpackBSTRToStr (344) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESerializable_UnpackWStr (341) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESerializable_ValidateWStr (345) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESerializeCoCreateInstance (337) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESetComponentApplicationData (331) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESetConfiguration (324) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESetSerializeCoCreateInstance (336) 8.0 and higher  
LCIESharedMemorySpace_Open (334) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEUnifiedFrame (325) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEUnmarshalInterfaceFromBuffer (358) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEValidateCookieInBlob (387) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEVariantArrayPack (365) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEVariantArrayUnpackBuffer (366) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEVariantArrayUnpackVars (367) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEVariantPack (370) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEVariantUnpack (368) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEVariantUnpackUntrusted (369) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmEvent (12) 7.0 only  
MarkUpgradedExtValue (676) 8.0 and higher  
MarkUpgradedValue (675) 8.0 and higher  
MultiSzFromByte (678) 8.0 and higher  
MultiSzToByte (677) 8.0 and higher  
NeedsUpgradeExtValue (673) 8.0 and higher  
NeedsUpgradeValue (672) 8.0 and higher  
ProcessGetInstanceExplorer (225) 8.0 and higher  
ProcessGetRefCountAddress (221) 8.0 and higher  
ProcessRefCountAddRef (223) 8.0 and higher  
ProcessRefCountRelease (224) 8.0 and higher  
ProcessSetRefCountAddress (220) 8.0 and higher  
ProcessSetRefCountIUnknown (222) 8.0 and higher  
RegGetDwordValue (40) 7.0 and higher  
ReplicaLinkUpdateDSInstance (553) 8.0 and higher  
ReplicaLinkUpdateDSInstance (554) 8.0 and higher  
ResetIEExtensibility 8.0 and higher  
ResetIERegistrySettings 8.0 and higher  
RevertImpersonate 8.0 and higher  
ScheduleSqmTasksInIdleThread (29) 7.0 and higher  
SetExtValue (655) 8.0 and higher  
SetFileHandleIntegrityLevel (39) 7.0 and higher  
SetKernelHandleIntegrityLevel (52) 7.0 and higher  
SetKernelHandleToLowIL (50) 7.0 and higher  
SetProtectedModeFolders (37) 7.0 and higher  
SetRegistryKeyIntegrityLevel (53) 7.0 and higher  
SetupLowFolderPath (38) 7.0 and higher  
SetUserBroker (59) 8.0 and higher  
SetValue (654) 8.0 and higher  
Shim_CoCreateInstance (51) 7.0 and higher  
Shim_CoGetClassObject (41) 7.0 and higher  
SqmAddExtensionClsid (13) 7.0 only  
SqmOptedIn (14) 7.0 only  
Str_GetPtrA (92) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
Str_GetPtrW (93) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
Str_SetPtrA (94) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
Str_SetPtrW (95) 7.0 and higher documented (COMCTL32)
SuggestHintKey (688) 8.0 and higher  
SuggestHintExtKey (689) 8.0 and higher  
VerifyUntrusted_HWND (385) 8.0 and higher  
VerifyUntrusted_ISO_HANDLE (382) 8.0 and higher  
VerifyUntrusted_IsoMessage_ExactSize (380) 8.0 and higher  
VerifyUntrusted_IsoMessage_MinSize (381) 8.0 and higher  
VerifyUntrusted_Pidl (383) 8.0 and higher  
VerifyUntrusted_String (384) 8.0 and higher  
WasDTCInstalledBySQL (550) 8.0 and higher  



Function names are reproduced from the export directory of the IERTUTIL.DLL executable, wherever possible. For functions that are not exported by name (i.e., are exported only by ordinal) from any known IERTUTIL version, names are inferred from symbol files that Microsoft supplies for customer support. If a function is known as an ordinal-only export from at least one IERTUTIL version, then the ordinal is given in brackets immediately after the function’s name.


The IERTUTIL versions shown for each function are inferred from a study of known releases, making reasonable assumptions about likely continuity, especially to suppose that a function will exist in future versions or that a function exists in all (released) builds of a version if no counter-example is yet known.

Documentation Status

Except where otherwise stated, the reference version for Microsoft’s documentation is the January 2007 edition of the Windows Vista Software Development Kit (as distributed by Microsoft on MSDN Disc 3667). There is no one section for IERTUTIL functions. Indeed, I have not yet found anywhere that Microsoft documents any functions as being exported from IERTUTIL. That a function is not marked above as “documented” (or is marked on other pages as “undocumented”) does not mean for certain that Microsoft does not document it, just that I haven’t yet found where.

A few functions are not documented specifically as exports from IERTUTIL but fit some general cases. These are indicated by enclosing the documentation status in brackets.

Some functions are shown as documented but with COMCTL32 in brackets. Strictly speaking, these are undocumented as IERTUTIL exports. Each has an earlier implementation—indeed, typically from as long ago as 1995—as an export from COMCTL32 and it is this earlier implementation, not the one in IERTUTIL, that Microsoft documents. None of these were documented until 2002. One was still not documented in mid-2006. For details of their documentation status before IERTUTIL, look them up as COMCTL32 functions.