Windows 7 API Sets

The first ApiSetSchema.dll, i.e., version 6.1 for Windows 7, defines the same 35 API Sets for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.

Some of these original API Sets are listed in documentation for Windows 8. More presumably would have, except that they are superseded, a larger Set being documented instead. Tracking what Microsoft reveals of API Sets, and deciding how to summarise it, may be an exercise without end.

API Set Default Host Exceptional Mappings (Importer → Host) Remarks
API-MS-Win-Core-Console-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll in 6.1 only;
kernelbase.dll in 6.2 and higher
  documented for Windows 8
API-MS-Win-Core-DateTime-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll in 6.1;
kernelbase.dll in 6.2 to 6.3
  discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-Debug-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-DelayLoad-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll kernel32.dll → kernelbase.dll in 6.2 to 6.3 discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-ErrorHandling-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll in 6.1;
kernelbase .dll in 6.2 to 6.3
kernel32.dll → kernelbase.dll in 6.1 only
discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-Fibers-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-File-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll in 6.1;
kernelbase.dll in 6.2 to 6.3
kernel32.dll → kernelbase.dll in 6.1 only
discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-Handle-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll in 6.1;
kernelbase.dll in 6.2 to 6.3
kernel32.dll → kernelbase.dll in 6.1 only
discontinued in 10.0;
documented for Windows 8
API-MS-Win-Core-Heap-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll    
API-MS-Win-Core-Interlocked-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-IO-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll kernel32.dll → kernelbase.dll discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-LibraryLoader-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-Localization-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll    
API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll in 6.1 only;
kernelbase.dll in 6.2 and higher
API-MS-Win-Core-Memory-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-Misc-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   no file in 6.2 and higher
API-MS-Win-Core-NamedPipe-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll    
API-MS-Win-Core-ProcessEnvironment-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-ProcessThreads-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll kernel32.dll → kernelbase.dll discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-Profile-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   documented for Windows 8
API-MS-Win-Core-RtlSupport-L1-1-0 ntdll.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-String-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   documented for Windows 8
API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll in 6.1 only;
kernelbase.dll in 6.2 and higher
kernel32.dll → kernelbase.dll in 6.1 only
discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-SysInfo-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Core-ThreadPool-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll    
API-MS-Win-Core-UMS-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll   no file in 6.1 (x86 only);
discontinued in 6.2 (x86 only)
API-MS-Win-Core-Util-L1-1-0 kernel32.dll kernel32.dll → kernelbase.dll discontinued in 10.0;
documented for Windows 8
API-MS-Win-Core-XState-L1-1-0 ntdll.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0 kernelbase.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Security-LSALookup-L1-1-0 sechost.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-Win-Security-SDDL-L1-1-0 sechost.dll   documented for Windows 8
API-MS-WIN-Service-Core-L1-1-0 sechost.dll   discontinued in 10.0
API-MS-WIN-Service-Management-L1-1-0 sechost.dll   documented for Windows 8
API-MS-WIN-Service-Management-L2-1-0 sechost.dll   documented for Windows 8
API-MS-WIN-Service-winsvc-L1-1-0 sechost.dll    

All the functions in one set, namely API-MS-Win-Core-UMS-L1-1-0, are particular to x64 builds. The corresponding DLL is not supplied with 32-bit Windows and the set stops being defined for x86 builds in version 6.2.