Most Viewed in April 2022

This site had 20,505 visits in April 2022 from 14,729 unique visitors. That’s 683 visits per day. Collectively, they downloaded 86,573 pages.

Curiously, I have through April and May been reworking the page that’s as close as I’ve ever written to a mission statement. Now I see it suddenly had 1,655 views in a month, in no particular rush but apparently prompted by one reader’s tweet. My own attention was independent. I hadn’t looked at the statistics for months. I am instead passing again through one of those phases where I wonder if research and writing for this website has to end. At least the reason this time round is largely free of despair about whether my effort—and charity, frankly—has been worthwhile. I find myself quite proud of the work I have presented here and am rather heartened to have watched the field grow at the hands of others. It hasn’t grown quite as I imagined—or like, given the distortions of the security industry—but that mission statement from 1997, when few people were thinking of reverse engineering as a subject of study and even fewer as having commercial application, has held up pretty well.

New to these lists is one of my occasional attempts at an overall description of some programming feature. I have in mind that some of this one’s introduction was written long before the page’s own dating of its creation, but 2017 is when I determined that the feature really did need a good treatment and that I was fit to try. Five years, and finally readers notice! That is the way of much of what I’ve done. But look at the page with its 226 visits: why shouldn’t I be proud to have written it and to see it get read?

The list below is of document pages that were each viewed at least 100 times in the month. Ranks in parentheses are from March 2022. Faded titles are just index pages which I presume are viewed only or mainly on the way to others, especially while moving from one Table of Contents (TOC) to another. One of those index pages is just the skimpiest of placeholders, pending my writing an introduction, which I likely never will get round to. The TOCs are omitted entirely, as is the banner page, since none of these are meant to be seen independently of a document page.

Rank Page Visits
1 (1) Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst 3,531
2 (64) Software Analysis by Reverse Engineering 1,655
3 (2) Kernel32 Functions 1,079
4 (3) Kernel-Mode Windows 917
5 (4) PEB 662
6 (7) Win32 Programming 627
7 (5) NTDLL Exports 613
8 (8) Licensed Memory in 32-Bit Windows Vista 611
9 (10) ZwQuerySystemInformation 528
10 (6) The Windows Explorer Command Line 526
11 (9) The Kernel-Power Event Provider 466
12 (12) TEB 392
13 (13) Back Doors for Cross-Signed Drivers 374
17 (11) Kernel Versions 352
18 (14) EPROCESS 299
20 (23) NTDLL 290
21 (20) Notes 289
22 (18) Shell 281
23 (21) Native API Functions 278
24 (22) Microsoft Visual C++ 273
25 (24) BCD Elements 243
26 (25) Windows Kernel Exports 233
27   Lookaside Lists 226
28 (28) BitLocker Policy Settings 215
29 (26) ADVAPI32 Functions 212
31 (30) PEB_LDR_DATA 194
32 (27) About This Site 188
33 (33) Boot Configuration Data (BCD) 180
34 (31) SHELL32 Functions 171
34 (37) Internet Explorer 171
37 (35) Edit Boot Options in Windows Vista 161
38 (45) SVCHOST 159
40 (52) KPROCESS 154
41 (45) KERNELBASE Functions 152
42 (34) KERNEL32 Versions 148
43 (36) What’s New? 146
43 (54) KTHREAD 146
45 (41) KPCR 139
46 (38) Netwtw06 Driver Spams System Event Log 135
47 (50) The API Set Schema 133
48 (39) Feedback 129
49 (59) Boot Options: nx 124
50 (48) BCD Objects 121
51 (41) HAL Versions 119
52 (63) Bug Check Codes 118
53 (53) Consultation 116
54 (57) NTDLL Versions 113
55 (56) The Service Control Manager Event Provider 111
56 (47) KPRCB (amd64) 108
56   The Microsoft Visual C++ Linker 108
56 (58) Disable Global Hot Keys 108
56 (60) The Shell Core Provider 108
60 (62) The Boot Status Data Log 106
61 (43) Licensed Driver Signing in Windows 10 105
62 (61) iPod Support Service 103
62   ZwSetSystemInformation 103
64   ZwQueryLicenseValue 101