Most Viewed in December 2022

This site had 30,444 visits in December 2022 from 21,386 unique visitors.

The list below is of document pages that were each viewed at least 100 times in the month. Ranks in parentheses are from November 2022. Faded titles are just index pages which I presume are viewed only or mainly on the way to others, especially while moving from one Table of Contents (TOC) to another. One of those index pages is just the skimpiest of placeholders, pending my writing an introduction, which I likely never will get round to. The TOCs are omitted entirely, as is the banner page, since none of these are meant to be seen independently of a document page.

Most prominently new for the month is the thousands of hits on the RSS Feed XML in the site’s root directory. It was there for testing what I might do for my readers who ask for some sort of notification of new content. Had I paid more attention to the numerous nuisance 404 errors from who knows whose requests for files that are meaningful to them but which I have no intention of providing, then I’d have known that at least some feed readers look automatically for an rss.xml at a site’s root. Now that it’s being hit, I commit to keeping it.

I can’t help be curious about sudden interest in support by WIN32K.SYS for the execution of 16-bit Windows programs. Pages about two structures that are very particular to this surely obscure functionality make the arbitrary cut-off of 100 visits (one convincingly at 201, the other at 109). So does another WIN32K creation (at 180) and two pages (at 267 and 192) about CSRSRV functions which are not unrelated. What is going on in the world that such a fossil as 16-bit execution gets any attention!

Similarly curious for their sudden appearances in the list (at 126, 124 and 108) are pages that I wrote nearly 20 years ago (in 2006) about three compiler-generated functions for iteratively calling constructors and destructors. What is going on that brings such things to attention!

Less mystifying is the showing from my relatively recent dabble in retro-computing. Pages that resulted from this have been in and out of the list for the last few months. This month is odd for the few that instead date from 1997 as bug fixes and updates of source code that was written for DOS Internals (ISBN 0-201-60835-9). What I single out, however, is last year’s page on the BIOS Parameter Block—not because it somehow got 102 readers this month but because it ought not to be at the live website! It is not anywhere near to being finished and I may yet remove it.

Especially gratifying to me, just for the practicality of how I fund all the work that goes into this website, is the increased interest in my several pages about consultation services. The main page on consultation always makes the cut-off, but for the first time ever all its children did this month too (at 145, 121, 106 and 104). But please don’t just read about bringing me your problems to solve commercially: please actually do consult me!

Rank Page Visits
1 (1) Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst 3,415
2   RSS Feed XML 2,008
3 (2) Kernel32 Functions 991
4 (6) Kernel-Mode Windows 977
5 (4) PEB 897
6 (7) NTDLL Exports 869
7 (5) BitLocker Policy Settings 790
8 (9) Win32 Programming 741
9 (3) The Kernel-Power Event Provider 704
10 (8) The Windows Explorer Command Line 680
11 (10) Back Doors for Cross-Signed Drivers 550
12 (12) Licensed Memory in 32-Bit Windows Vista 549
13 (18) Native API Functions 523
14 (11) ZwQuerySystemInformation 511
15 (16) Kernel Versions 496
16 (13) TEB 466
19 (17) EPROCESS 421
22 (31) The API Set Schema 392
23 (21) NTDLL 390
24 (25) Notes 372
25 (24) Shell 330
26 (28) About This Site 305
27 (34) BCD Elements 292
29 (43) Feedback 276
30 (26) ADVAPI32 Functions 271
31 (61) CSRSRV API Routines 267
32 (94) Browsing Guide 265
33 (47) What's New? 258
34 (50) iPod Support Service 250
35 (23) PEB_LDR_DATA 246
36 (27) Microsoft Visual C++ 243
37 (51) Boot Configuration Data (BCD) 237
37 (44) KPROCESS 237
39 (58) Consultation 232
39 (30) Windows Kernel Exports 226
42 (20) Software Analysis by Reverse Engineering 221
44 (42) Bug Check Codes 211
45 (36) Styling Table Columns with CSS 210
47 (37) Edit Boot Options in Windows Vista 193
48   CsrCallServerFromServer 192
49 (39) Internet Explorer 189
50 (29) SHELL32 Functions 185
50 (69) Terms of Use 185
52 (39) KERNELBASE Functions 184
53 (88) Windows API Sets 183
54   TDB 180
55 (60) Boot Options: nx 177
56 (61) BCD Objects 170
56 (53) RtlSetProcessIsCritical 170
58 (45) KTHREAD 168
59 (74) KPRCB (amd64) 157
60 (72) Boot Options: numproc 155
61 (52) NTDLL Versions 154
61   The CPL Icon Loading Vulnerability 154
63   Netwtw06 Driver Spams System Event Log 150
64   What Can Geoff Chappell Do For You? 145
66 (54) HAL Versions 142
66 (68) ETHREAD 142
68 (41) KERNEL32 Versions 138
68 (48) SVCHOST 138
70 (65) The Boot Status Data Log 137
70 (38) The Service Control Manager Event Provider 137
72 (77) Interrupt 21h Function 30h 136
73   Outlook Sends Email From Empty Outbox 132
75   Control Panel Vulnerabilities 130
75 (91) Predefined C++ Types 130
77 (54) RtlInitUnicodeString 129
77   Adventures in Web Programming 129
79   Vector Vbase Constructor Iterator 126
80 (49) KPCR 125
81   Vector Constructor Iterator 124
82 (63) ZwSetSystemInformation 123
83   Consulting Fees 121
85 (76) Boot Options: detecthal 118
86 (67) RtlGetNtVersionNumbers 117
87 (71) The Microsoft Visual C++ Linker 115
89   MMPFN 113
90 (65) Disable Global Hot Keys 112
90 (79) ADVAPI32 112
90   SVCHOST Process Initialisation 112
93   What’s Hot? 111
93   BitLocker I/O Control 111
93 (88) SeparateExplorerFactory 111
97   C++ Attributes: aggregatable 109
97   Browsing Without The Viewer 109
100   Windows Kernel Source Code 108
100   Vector Destructor Iterator 108
102   Updated CRTDRVR Library 107
103   Why Consult Geoff Chappell? 106
104   PoC||GTFO 105
105   Consultation Terms 104
105   The DOS Device Driver Library 104
105 (88) Advanced Boot Options Menu in Windows Vista 104
105   Support This Site 104
105 (73) Licensed Driver Signing in Windows 10 104
110   The MRXCLS.SYS Malware Loader 103
112   BPB 102
112 (85) EXPLORER Versions 102
112   Operation Aurora 102
112   Declaration Specifier (__declspec) 102
116   Interactive User Interface 101
116 (95) CPU Identification Before CPUID 101
116   External Publication 101
119   No Owners Shown In Report 100