Most Viewed in February 2023

This site had 27,651 visits in February 2023 from 18,906 unique visitors.

The list below is of document pages that were each viewed at least 100 times in the month. Ranks in parentheses are from January 2023. Faded titles are just index pages which I presume are viewed only or mainly on the way to others, especially while moving from one Table of Contents (TOC) to another. One of those index pages is just the skimpiest of placeholders, pending my writing an introduction, which I likely never will get round to. The TOCs are omitted entirely, as is the banner page, since none of these are meant to be seen independently of a document page.

Some day I may discover what possibly can have brought 142 visits to one of these pages of statistics—and not just a recent one but specifically to one from nearly a year ago. It’s not even a page of statistics that prompted me to vent some thought about the industry. All that there is a list that’s so boring that even I couldn’t summon a comment to pass on it.

On the plus side this month is that a tabulation from the very end of last year gets its first peep above my arbitrary cut-off of 100 visits. This set of tables is another of my occasional attempts at collating information for users rather than programmers. True, advanced users, but nonetheless users. I as a user find myself looking at event logs. I as a consultant get asked by system administrators what events are available. This is not the level I work at, but I do welcome the insight into the practicalities of managing computers in real-world use. I’m not at all the right person to write this up and yet whenever a particular event provider comes to my attention often enough that I look on the Internet for a collation, I don't find one—at least, not one that gets anywhere near to relating events as logged to events as programmed. I end up not exactly proud of them but glad I wrote them—and glad to see that they get read. Of course, I don’t know how well these catalogues get read. Maybe they just turn up in Google searches, get clicked on, and are left immediately. Still, it pleases me to see this new one make the list unusually soon.

Rank Page Visits
1 (1) Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst 3,226
2 (2) Kernel32 Functions 1,157
3 (4) PEB 1,033
4 (3) BitLocker Policy Settings 953
5 (6) NTDLL Exports 817
6 (5) Kernel-Mode Windows 800
7 (7) Licensed Memory in 32-Bit Windows Vista 632
8 (9) The Windows Explorer Command Line 628
9 (8) Win32 Programming 617
10 (18) Kernel Versions 602
11 (11) The Kernel-Power Event Provider 552
12 (13) ZwQuerySystemInformation 519
13 (10) Back Doors for Cross-Signed Drivers 489
14 (17) EPROCESS 472
15 (16) NTDLL 466
16 (12) TEB 463
19 (23) RSS Feed XML 410
20 (15) Native API Functions 406
23 (33) BCD Elements 355
24 (29) PEB_LDR_DATA 325
25 (32) ADVAPI32 Functions 300
26 (22) Notes 294
27 (24) Shell 286
29 (38) Feedback 274
30 (30) Microsoft Visual C++ 259
31 (26) About This Site 242
31 (28) Windows Kernel Exports 242
33 (43) Edit Boot Options in Windows Vista 223
34 (48) KERNELBASE Functions 218
35 (35) SHELL32 Functions 216
38 (31) Bug Check Codes 206
39 (67) BCD Objects 200
40 (46) Boot Configuration Data (BCD) 194
41   SetupLowFolderPath 193
42 (59) HAL Versions 178
43 (44) Boot Options: nx 174
44 (39) What's New? 169
45 (49) NTDLL Versions 165
46 (56) KERNEL32 Versions 158
47 (27) The API Set Schema 157
48 (71) ETHREAD 156
49 (50) Consultation 155
49 (65) KPROCESS 155
51 (50) Software Analysis by Reverse Engineering 153
53 (67) ETW Security 150
54 (61) The Service Control Manager Event Provider 149
54 (56) KTHREAD 149
56 (63) Internet Explorer 147
57 (36) iPod Support Service 146
57 (46) Licensed Driver Signing in Windows 10 146
57 (67) KPRCB (amd64) 146
60 (55) RtlInitUnicodeString 145
61   Most Visited in March 2022 142
62 (44) KPCR 139
63   Advanced Boot Options Menu in Windows Vista 132
64   ETW_REG_ENTRY 130
65 (54) Terms of Use 129
65   Visual C++ Compiler Fatal Error C1001 129
67 (64) The Boot Status Data Log 128
67   Boot Options: detecthal 128
69   The Kernel-Processor-Power Event Provider 126
71 (70) Boot Options: numproc 125
72 (83) RtlSetProcessIsCritical 123
73 (77) NtTraceControl 122
74   Windows Diagnostic Infrastruture 119
75 (80) The Microsoft Visual C++ Linker 118
76   ADVAPI32 117
78 (75) SVCHOST 111
80 (71) Styling Table Columns with CSS 109
82 (58) Browsing Guide 107
83 (77) Windows Kernel Source Code 106
84 (85) Disable Global Hot Keys 105
85   CPU Identification Before CPUID 103
85   Boot Options: kernel 103
88 (82) EXPLORER Versions 100