Most Viewed in December 2021

This site had 21,064 visits in December 2021 from 13,571 unique visitors. That’s 679 visits per day. Collectively, they downloaded 99,980 pages.

This is back to something like normal after last month brought the surprise of ten thousand views of a 20-year-old page. But not quite normal. A longer tail than usual picks up a few pages that gurgle just below the arbitrary cut-off of 100 views per month. Making its first appearance is another of the pages that I write when some high-profile software manufacturer—this time, not Microsoft—irritates me on some point that I suspect irritates others too.

The list below is of document pages that were each viewed at least 100 times in the month. Ranks in parentheses are from November 2021. Faded titles are just index pages which I presume are viewed only or mainly on the way to others, especially while moving from one Table of Contents (TOC) to another. One of those index pages is just the skimpiest of placeholders, pending my writing an introduction, which I likely never will get round to. The TOCs are omitted entirely, as is the banner page, since none of these are meant to be seen independently of a document page.

Rank Page Visits
1 (2) Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst 4,946
2 (4) Kernel32 Functions 960
3 (3) Kernel-Mode Windows 902
4 (7) PEB 670
5 (6) NTDLL Exports 609
6 (9) Licensed Memory in 32-Bit Windows Vista 608
7 (5) Win32 Programming 572
8 (8) The Windows Explorer Command Line 517
9 (11) ZwQuerySystemInformation 464
10 (12) The Kernel-Power Event Provider 407
11 (39) PEB_LDR_DATA 380
13 (19) TEB 315
15 (25) Native API Functions 291
16 (22) EPROCESS 290
17 (24) NTDLL 279
19 (21) Kernel Versions 274
20 (26) Back Doors for Cross-Signed Drivers 271
22 (10) Shell 264
23 (15) Microsoft Visual C++ 248
24 (29) Windows Kernel Exports 245
25 (14) Notes 244
26 (31) BCD Elements 228
27 (32) ADVAPI32 Functions 223
29 (30) What’s New? 213
30 (27) About This Site 209
31 (34) Edit Boot Options in Windows Vista 202
33 (36) Boot Configuration Data (BCD) 190
34 (13) The AARD Code 178
35 (40) Consultation 177
36 (38) SHELL32 Functions 172
37 (44) Feedback 163
37 (41) Boot Options: nx 163
39 (46) BCD Objects 158
40 (51) Disable Global Hot Keys 154
42 (28) Internet Explorer 152
43 (66) KTHREAD 147
44 (36) The API Set Schema 143
45 (45) KERNELBASE Functions 134
46 (1) AOL Exploits Bug in Own Software (AIM) 130
47 (56) KPCR 129
48 (43) HAL Versions 120
50 (47) KERNEL32 Versions 119
51 (51) The Boot Status Data Log 118
52 (59) RtlInitUnicodeString 117
53 (72) ETHREAD 116
54 (48) SYSENTER and SYSEXIT in Windows 115
55 (59) Advanced Boot Options Menu in Windows Vista 113
55 (68) Terms of Use 113
57 (77) Licensed Driver Signing in Windows 10 110
58 (76) The Service Control Manager Event Provider 109
59 (49) Software Analysis by Reverse Engineering 108
59 (56) NTDLL Versions 108
61 (49) Netwtw06 Driver Spams System Event Log 106
62 (69) The CPUID Instruction 105
62 (69) ADVAPI32 105
64   KPRCB (amd64) 104
65 (59) Boot Options: detecthal 101
65   iPod Support Service 101
67   NtTraceControl 100